Finding Lovecraft: Life is a Hideous Thing is a new feature-length "documentary fantasy" currently lensing in Lovecraft's own Providence, Rhode Island! In making the film, the cast and crew have set out to explore the unique legacy of HPL, while using a mix of narrative and documentary storytelling, in which a Lovecraft-inspired story unfolds as the filmmakers delve into the life of H.P. Lovecraft through research and interviews...
The project, written and directed by and starring Cat Hainfeld, also stars Jim Wolpaw (who co-wrote and co-produced), Steve Gervais, Stanley Matis, Mark Taber, Bernard Larrivee, Jr and James Christopher White. Lovecraftian filmmaker Anthony Penta (The Hound) helped with camera operations...
Check out the extended trailer at the official site...
Update: Check out the extended trailer below...
(Thanks to
Update: Check out the extended trailer below...
(Thanks to
I wasn't too impress'd with ye "scholarship" hinted at in ye trailer -- seems like a bunch of mortals who don't really know much about H. P. Lovecraft. This Wolpaw chappie says he doesn't like Lovecraft's fiction -- and then he looks totally bored after a session with Lovecraft's correspondence -- & it makes one wonder why he bothered to be involv'd. But I got a thrill of excitement when ye lovely and way cool Miss Hainfeld knocks on ye front door of ye Shunned House, ye door opens -- AND SHE ENTERS!!!!! Holy Shoggoth!!! Do we finally get to see a modern view of that cellar???? The superb photography of Lovecraft's beloved Providence is most captivating -- so even if the people in the film are mostly clueless (shrinks telling us their views of Lovecraft, non-scholars revealing their ignorance of HPL, and wankers saying they don't like Lovecraft's fiction), the scenes in Providence alone will make this worth watching.
ReplyDeleteHi Craig, thanks for the post! And howdy, Mr. Pugmire! Your comments are much appreciated --even if poor Jim got called a wanker! We had a good laugh over that one. : ) He's really a sweetheart, if a bit of a curmudgeon.
ReplyDeleteI actually think Jim's negative reaction has value-- as we were discussing, the anachronistic bent of the Old Gent can be tough for the uninitiated...Also, we're following a Lovecraftian storytelling technique, where the researching protagonist begins their path with an attitude of bemused, scholarly separation...only to have their sense of order thoroughly devoured by tangential forces of cosmic proportions.
We just did a great interview with Dr. James Arthur Anderson on Saturday-- so rest assured that we'll be including more 'scholarly' viewpoints on our dear Uncle Theobald.
As to the encounter with the Shunned House-- what you see is a reenactment of an actual encounter I had, roving Benefit St with my camera-- I was stopped dead in my tracks, with cold waves of a feeling of being *watched* from those upper windows...There is a true sense of hidden evil that emanates from that house. The photos you see were taken at that exact moment-- can you see how the upper-story windows look like eyes, peering out from behind that tree?
As for entering the Shunned House-- we were striking out right and left trying to make contact with the owners-- and I was there shooting, the last time I could before having to complete the short for a grant deadline, and the light was failing. We were despairing, and trying to come up with alternatives...when a man came strolling up in a bowtie-- the owner. He was late for a meeting-- but granted my wish. In the last moments of light-- you see it catch my face as I step through the gate-- I knocked, he opened, and I stepped in...I still get chills thinking about it.
What does it look like inside? You'll just have to wait and see...
And thank you for your kind words on the cinematography-- it really is my great honor to capture this beautiful city, and to bring these places of pilgrimage to the eyes of all who dare to look.