Based on their five-minute horror comedy of the same name, Deadly Tantrum is currently being developed by Immortal Pictures as a feature that has already secured the talents of horror icon Doug Bradley (Hellraiser). The short revolves around Geoffrey, a mutant simpleton who indulges in his dual hobbies of DIY and homicide, who kidnaps another hapless victim and ties her to one of his over-elaborate, death-inducing contraptions. Only this time he is interrupted by a rather over-zealous cop who’s willing to do just about anything, no matter how dangerous (or stupid), to save the damsel in distress...
Will he save the girl before Geoffrey's home made death machine goes off or will Geoffrey add another victim to his ever growing list – and just how can our hero make Geoffrey stay dead...
Written, produced and directed by Mike Mort, the feature will contain more elaborate effects and a more Lovecraftian story according to Bradley, who spoke of the project earlier this year...
"There's a wonderful horror/comedy script I was sent called DEADLY TANTRUM, which is really, really good. It's a Lovecraft comedy, but it takes Lovecraft very seriously. It's about a rather slow-witted serial killer who has a Cthulhu worm living in his brain that he feeds cheese sandwiches," Bradley tells, "And every time he kills someone, a portal opens and the soul is fed to Cthulhu, and when he has killed 50 people, Cthulhu can break through the portal and take control of the world. And he has this list of people he wants to kill, which is anyone who's ever worked in public relations—and the 50th victim is anyone who buys an Elton John album. It's very funny, and there's a very nice part in it for me."
Check out some concept art and effects tests below, and head over to the Immortal Pictures blog for more...
(Thanks to
These are badass.
ReplyDeleteVery Cool. Remind me of the "Deadly Spawn" which is never a bad thing.