The Cthulhu Chronicles is a full-length feature film directed by Jayson Argento (Cthulhu Chronicles: The Ropes) and starring Larry Holden, Rusty Dewees and Logan Howe...
Currently in production, in and around in Springfield and Burlington Vermont, with a tentative Summer 2009 release date, The Cthulhu Chronicles is inspired by the Cthulhu mythos of H.P. Lovecraft and has all the ambitions of a series pilot, according to Champlain Motion Pictures...
Having seen "The Ropes", it was a fairly good film in production qualities, reaonable acting, and occasionally scary. On the other hand, its basic story relied way TOO damn much on "Let's act *stupid* so something will happen" -- especially given the basic premise should have been anything BUT this, it really hurt the entire film BADLY.