According to /Film, Bob Weinstein and Dimension Films have acquired Kristoffer Aaron Morgan's Lovecraftian horror film The Home (which we previously covered here). Written by Morgan and Eric Vespe, the film revolves around a man who is nearly killed during a horrible accident that leaves him physically and emotionally scarred. To recuperate, he is taken to a secluded nursing home where the elderly residents appear to be suffering from delusions. But after witnessing a violent attack, he soon realizes that the screams behind the walls are caused by more than hallucinations, and the residents are being preyed upon by twisted, monstrous nightmares that lurk within the home itself...
The film will be shot in and around Austin, Texas and stars Brian Cox, Cloris Leachman, Louise Fletcher, Louis Gossett Jr., Ed Asner, and Fionnula Flanagan. KNB EFX will provide practical effects on the film, from designs provided by Peter Jackson's Weta Workshop. /Film also reports that Jackson provided notes that were eventually incorporated into the completed script...
It is unknown whether the film will receive a theatrical run, or go straight to home video...
(Thanks to
Hmmmm, wants to hear see more. . .
ReplyDeleteThis production isn't too far from where I live, so I'm hoping to do a little in person research!