To date, Jacob Cooney's The Frolic has been the only cinematic foray into Thomas Ligotti's unique brand of Weird Fiction, but that's about to change thanks to filmmaker Russell Bellew! Russell is currently raising funds, through and a fundraising party scheduled for the end of the month, for an adaptation of Thomas Ligotti's short story Purity...
Currently in pre-production, the film is set to star David Wassilak (as the Dad), Sean Green (as the main character, a boy named Daniel), Matthew Amend and Mark Wilks (as the Shady Figures), Christopher Seuc (as the Young Man), Samantha Smith (as Elisa), Aaron Markham (as the Man in the Long Coat), Kim Marie Fikes (as the Mom), with the role of Candy yet to be cast...
Purity will be shot in and around St. Louis by Russell and a team of Indy Filmmakers from the area, with a June start date in place...
You can find the film on facebook, or head over to to see how you can help! A one dollar donation will get you a special mention in the end credits of the film, so how can you go wrong...
About the film: Living in a dark and dangerous neighborhood, Daniel is a strange young man, living on the fringes of society with his very off beat family. One night Dad has an unexpected visitor and Daniel decides to go to his friend Candy's house and show her the fruits of his Dad's experiment, a squat jar containing a green jelly-like substance. Intertwined with a child killer, drug dealers, and murder, Daniel has to step carefully through this surreal landscape in order to survive...
Purity will be shot in and around St. Louis by Russell and a team of Indy Filmmakers from the area, with a June start date in place...
You can find the film on facebook, or head over to to see how you can help! A one dollar donation will get you a special mention in the end credits of the film, so how can you go wrong...
About the film: Living in a dark and dangerous neighborhood, Daniel is a strange young man, living on the fringes of society with his very off beat family. One night Dad has an unexpected visitor and Daniel decides to go to his friend Candy's house and show her the fruits of his Dad's experiment, a squat jar containing a green jelly-like substance. Intertwined with a child killer, drug dealers, and murder, Daniel has to step carefully through this surreal landscape in order to survive...
A boys journey through a dark, dangerous and derranged world of anarchy. A truly beautiful & mind bending experience.