Delve Deeper

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Alex Winter talks The Gate 3D...

It's been awhile since we last mentioned Alex Winter's 3D remake of The Gate, and in that time, nothing seems to have changed, but during a recent interview with Icon vs. Icon, Alex had some pretty encouraging things to say about the production...

 "...I'm working on a remake of a movie called "The Gate" from the mid-'80s which I'm really excited about. It's a 3D movie. We've been working with great, great 3D people to make it look fantastic. We have a really great effects team assembled. So I'm working on that right now, which I'm really excited about," He tells the site, "For me "The Gate" is a good story to tell the kids today. And that's the way I'm addressing it. It's a template. Let's be honest. The notion, the general schematic of that story of kids unleashing something and then having to conquer it is pretty broad. It's been done in different stories over and over and over … it's basically a fairytale. So I think this kind of story, we're not going to ruin the original. The themes to me that make the original "The Gate" special are never going to go away. I mean the work that those guys did with stop motion, the foreground miniature work they did, the strange, weird theater camp uniqueness to that movie is going to live on in there, you can watch it whenever you want. I certainly feel like we're gonna make a movie that we have heart and believe in and that's really what counts!"

Look for The Gate 3D in 2012...

(Thanks to


  1. Thanks for the update, I've been looking forward to this one, but it sure is taking a while to take it actually filming already?

  2. Looks like they will be shooting in the middle or late part of this year!


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