The Shadow Over Innsmouth, a project that I covered back in 2003, has shown signs of life recently in the form of pre-production artwork and images over on the Hindsight Partners blog...
In 2003, writer Rob Hinderstein told, "The rights to The Shadow Over Innsmouth [a big-budget film adaptation scripted by Rob] have been acquired by Hindsight Partners LLC. The script is a present day adaptation that follows closely the story lore and history. The story takes place eighty years later and progresses from the end point of where the novella ends. It is a logical transition from the story and follows three different characters all searching for the same thing. The primary character, like the novella, is a direct descendent of Obed Marsh. There has been new and exciting material added to this adaptation to create a very scary thriller."
At that time, actor Nicholas Cage's Saturn Films was in possession of the project, as explained by Rob, "As per the rumor of Nicholas Cage being involved, yes that is true. Cage is a die hard Lovecraft fan and while working on Adaptation, Joel Harlow mentioned the script and Cage wanted first look. Saturn Films (Cage's production company) is currently in possession of the project."
At that time, actor Nicholas Cage's Saturn Films was in possession of the project, as explained by Rob, "As per the rumor of Nicholas Cage being involved, yes that is true. Cage is a die hard Lovecraft fan and while working on Adaptation, Joel Harlow mentioned the script and Cage wanted first look. Saturn Films (Cage's production company) is currently in possession of the project."
Effects were to be handled by Joel Harlow (HarlowFx), whose website still contains several sketches and make-up tests developed for the project as seen here and here...
It is unclear how much of the old information still pertains to the production, but hopefully future updates to the Hindsight Partners blog will tell the tale...

image © Hindsight Partners