A review for Cthulhu Unbound: Volume 2 from Permuted Press has appeared over at fangoria.com...
About the book: Imagine being free. Free from everything that defines you, that makes you easily recognizable as who you are. Inside you'll find Doc Holliday and the Earp brothers alongside a knight of the Round Table. The stock market will crash in a whole new, terrifying way. You'll follow along as heroes go head-to-head with eldritch horrors from Lovecraft's universe. From Greek legends to Captain Nemo, from gangsters to brokers; from prisons to palaces, dead moons to South American jungles...No one is safe; nowhere is safe. This is a Mythos collection unlike any other. This is Lovecraft in many colors, many guises. This is Cthulhu-Unbound...
- "The Tenants of Ladywell Manor" by Willie Meikle
- "Tomb on a Dead Moon" by Tim Curran
- "Passing Down" by Inez Schaechterle
- "The Hunters Within the Corners" by Douglas P. Wojtowicz
- "Surely You Joust" by Patrick Thomas
- "References in Cthonic, Eldritch, Roiling Creations are Recondite" by Warren Tusk
- "New Fish" by Kiwi Courters
- "The Long, Deep Dream" by Peter Clines
- "Santiago Contra el Culto de Cthulhu" by Mark Zirbel
- "Stomach Acid by David Conyers" and Brian M. Sammons
- "Sleeping Monster Futures" by Brandon Alspaugh
- "Nemo at R'lyeh" by Joshua Reynolds
- "What's a Few Tentacles Among Friends?" by Sheila Crosby
- "An Incident Occurring in the Huachuca Mountains, West of Tombstone" by Gary Vehar
- "Abomination With Rice" by Rhys Hughes
Check it out here...

(Thanks to www.fangoria.com)
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