A repost from Lady Lovecraft @ blogspot.com and This Yellow Madness:
"Founded by screenwriter and editor of Planet Lovecraft Magazine, K.L. Young; and filmmaker/musician Rick Tillman, with the intent of bringing back the glory days of the horror and sci-fi comics of Eerie, Creepy, Heavy Metal and Epic Magazines!"
STRANGE AEONS #1 has been launched at the end of February, just in time for the Emerald City Comic Con! Featuring a gorgeous cover by Ben Hansen and Levi Skeen and including:
* part one of Tim Sparvero's "The Isle of Cthulhu",
* Vin Ferrante's "In the Court of The Yellow King",
* "The New Sister" by Lee Davis,
* "Memory" by Eric York, and
* "Awakener" by Rob Corless - in COLOR!
Fiction by Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., book and audio-drama reviews, and the first highly collectible STRANGE AEONS: THE MOVIE lobby card - a scene from "The Revenge of Herbert West", EXCLUSIVE in this issue!
Strange Aeons can be ordered online via their homepage and can be contacted via facebook as well.
All in all, it's a brilliant mag that gives writers and publishers a chance to promote their work [nudge, nudge] and readers a chance to have their say!
Still not sure whether to thread the realms of Lovecraftian Madness as a mag? How's this amazing shirt for a tease? And, yes it IS for sale on their homepage...

So, I give you: STRANGE AEONS

(Thanks to Lady Lovecraft, Joseph S. Pulver, Sr. and Kelly Young)
Want shirt.